The communication specialist for all your frequencies

Does your company need indoor GSMor ASTRIDcoverage? Mercuron provides installations tailored to your building.

How can we help you?


Bad cell reception in your company? We ensure optimum coverage in every building.

Some of our clients

O'Learys logo
Recticel logo
Global estate group logo
Mediahuis logo
Renson logo
Zabra logo
Ardo Ardooie Logo


More and more businesses are offering “free” Wi-Fi. Why don’t you take advantage of this?

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We are not the only ones convinced of our expertise!

DECADanny Op De Beeck | Facility Manager
Now, the company is accessible at all times, technicians and team leaders can always be reached, and any problems or adjustments can be passed on directly to the people concerned. All this contributes to an improved production process within DECA.
Crematorium UITZICHT | PSILONJan Sabbe | Director
Few people still call our landline. Thanks to Mercuron, we can always be reached, even in a concrete building.
AZ RivierenlandMarcel Zoons | Manager buildings and techniques
Together with Mercuron, we went over the plans and looked at what was needed to provide good communication in the residential wards and consultation rooms. In other words, how to ensure good accessibility for doctors and patients.