The ASTIRD network

Het ASTRID-netwerk Cruciale Communicatie voor Hulpdiensten

What is ASTRID?

ASTRID stands for All-round Semi-cellular Trunking Radio communication system with Integrated Dispatching. It’s a specialized network ensuring unified and efficient communication to safeguard Belgian citizens.

Originally, ASTRID consolidated numerous small analog networks into one cohesive system, allowing various services like police and fire brigades to communicate seamlessly.

Who is allowed to use the ASTRID network?

Users of the ASTRID network fall into two categories:

  1. Public Aid and Security Services: Includes police, fire brigades, customs, etc.
  2. Other Service Organizations: Includes entities like the Red Cross, hospitals, and public transport companies (e.g., De Lijn), which deal with public safety.

When should a builder install an ASTRID system?

Architecture of the ASTRID Radio Network

Figure 1 provides a schematic representation of the ASTRID network. ASTRID’s network comprises 512 base stations, or transmission masts, across the country. Calls are picked up by the nearest base station and processed through provincial switches, ensuring the right people receive the calls. These switches are interconnected, forming an interprovincial backbone, crucial for efficient communication among all emergency services in Belgium.

Schematische voorstelling van het ASTRID netwerk

Understanding TETRA

TETRA, short for TErrestrial Trunked RAdio, is a European standard widely used globally. ASTRID operates on the 380-400 MHz frequency band, designated for emergency and security services in Europe.

TETRA is endorsed by the European Institute for Telecommunications Standards and the European Commission. It meets professional needs, offering:

  • Calls in under half a second
  • One-to-one and group calls
  • Secure voice and data transmission
  • Enhanced sound quality
  • An open standard allowing multiple manufacturers, providing users with choices

Network Availability

The map below shows ASTRID network coverage. Some zones may require an ASTRID amplification system for indoor coverage, especially in buildings with extensive steel and concrete structures. Our Site Survey can assess indoor signal quality to determine the need for amplification.

Schematische voorstelling van de ASTRID dekking in België

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